Using version 50.20.41. Column names are corrupting the xlsx and not allowing it to be opened. Excel's recovery of this is to remove the names and clear cells that referenced. Based on the xml generated, it appears that any sheet specific names will corrupt the xlsx but I haven't tested that out.
Code: Select all
XLS.Names.Add('_TotalPremium', '$C:$C', 0);
XLS.Names.Add('_Dwelling_CovA_', '$D:$D', 0);
Code above is currently generating:
Code: Select all
<sheet name="Q1 Homeowners" sheetId="1" r:id="rId2" />
<sheet name="Q2 Homeowners" sheetId="2" r:id="rId3" />
<definedName name="InputCell" >INDIRECT("R[-1]C",FALSE)</definedName>
<definedName name="_TotalPremium" localSheetId="0" >$C1:$C1048576</definedName>
<definedName name="_Dwelling_CovA_" localSheetId="0" >$D1:$D1048576</definedName>
Following how Excel generates the xml, I need the names to generate as follows:
Code: Select all
<definedName name="InputCell">INDIRECT("R[-1]C",FALSE)</definedName>
<definedName name="_TotalPremium">'Q1 Homeowners'!$C:$C</definedName>
<definedName name="_Dwelling_CovA_">'Q2 Homeowners'!$D:$D</definedName>
Lars, As your earlier post stating that this was supported was the reason why I've spent the time (and money) to upgrade to ver 5, could you please give me an estimate on when this bug will be fixed so I know whether I need to code a work around?