A developer on my team asked if I can post the following possible issue he found. He tried to register an account for this forum, but says registration is not working?
We found an issue when calling the following method in XLSSheetData5.pas :
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function TXLSWorksheet.GetIsDateTime(ACol, ARow: integer): boolean;
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if (FCells.FindCell(ACol,ARow,Cell) and (FCells.CellType(@Cell) = xctBlank)) then
In our scenario the Cell is found, the CellType is xctString, but the Data property is Nil.
Thus, when the next line of code is executed, we get an Access Violation.
I have modified the guard clause to include a Nil check for that property (see below), and all seems to be working correct.
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if (FCells.FindCell(ACol,ARow,Cell) and (FCells.CellType(@Cell) = xctBlank)) or (Cell.Data = nil) then