Good Day!
We try to use XLSReadWriteII 3.0 for C++Builder 5. Everything OK, but we have this problem during linking line:
return XLS->Sheet[0]->Columns->Items[iCol]->CharWidth;
C++Builder say:
[Linker Error] Unresolved external '__fastcall Columns2::TXLSColumn::GetCharWidthA()' referenced from D:\SYSWIN\XLSDIRECT.OBJ
There is no error if we write "Width" instead "CharWidth".
We need CharWidth.
Linker Error: GetCharWidthA()
I think CharWidth is mixed up with something else...
The function GetCharWidthA is not used anywhere in the component, and the file XLSDIRECT.OBJ is not a part of the component. C++Builder 5 seems to to have a problem when linking your files. One possible solution you can try is to rename the property CharWitdh to something else.
Lars Arvidsson
I think CharWidth is mixed up with something else...
The function GetCharWidthA is not used anywhere in the component, and the file XLSDIRECT.OBJ is not a part of the component. C++Builder 5 seems to to have a problem when linking your files. One possible solution you can try is to rename the property CharWitdh to something else.
Lars Arvidsson
Hello Lars!
Maybe this will be usefull for other programers.
We used Width/256. It's the same as CharWidth.
Thank You for fast answer!
Good Luck!
Maybe this will be usefull for other programers.
We used Width/256. It's the same as CharWidth.
Thank You for fast answer!
Good Luck!