We use XLSReadWriteII 4 for creating XLS-Documents, now I tried to switch to XLSX with the following result:
CellColors are Wrong.
--> I guess this is this problem: www.axolot.com/BB3/viewtopic.php?f=9&t= ... 6a94#p4337
CellWith and Height are wrong/different.
-> I have to use much higher values to get the same result. Is there a easy way to convert the values?
Autofilters doesn't work.
--> I add Autofilters whith Sheet.Autofilters.Add(0, FHeaderRows, COL_MaxIndex, FHeaderRows); In the XLSX file this has no effect. (no <autoFilter ref="A8:J8"/> part in sheet1.xml)
FrozenPanes dosn't work.
--> I froze the HeaderRows with
ASheet.Pane.SplitColX := 0;
ASheet.Pane.SplitRowY := AFixedRows;
ASheet.Pane.TopRow := AFixedRows;
ASheet.Pane.PaneType := ptFrozen;
ASheet.Pane.ActivePane := 0;
ASheet.Options := ASheet.Options + [soFrozenPanes];
in XLSX this has no effect.
Charts dosn't work
are these known problems? Is there possible solution?
Autofilter + FrozenPane + Cellsizes with XLSX
Re: Autofilter + FrozenPane + Cellsizes with XLSX
Yes, those are known problems. They will be fixed in th new version 5.
Yes, those are known problems. They will be fixed in th new version 5.
Lars Arvidsson, Axolot Data