I have some problems while using XLSReadWriteII30's charts.
1. When there are two serieses, I modify each series property , but only have the first series valid, other invalid
for(int nSeries = 0 ; nSeries < 2 ; nSeries ++)
XLSReadWriteII21->Sheet[0]->Charts->Items[0]->Series->Items[nSeries]->Values = newValue;
2. I set the "options" value of the "ValueAxisScaling" concerning "valueaxis" in the "plotarea" to "vasoLogScale" , but it is invalid.
XLSReadWriteII21->Sheet[0]->Charts->Items[0]->PlotArea ->ValueAxis->ValueAxisScaling ->Options = vasoLogScale;
3. How to set the property of "XValueaxis" in the "plotarea", such as "MaxValue", "MinValue" etc ?
4. How to modify the "backgroundcolor" and "foregroundcolor" in "TMarketFomat" class , if I want to set "no color" property ?
Please help to solve these problems , thanks.