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chart name months at the botom and title of the X and Y axis

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:30 pm
by agfcpc3
Hello, I use delphi7 and XLSReadWriteII5

I have some questions with charts, I test the CreateChartsSample

1) How I can put the name of the months at the Botom not at the Top of each point ?
for i := 0 to 11 do begin
// with Labels.Add(cltDataPoint) do begin
with XLS.BIFF[0].Charts[0].Labels.Add(cltDataPoint) do begin
DataPointIndex := i;
Text := ShortMonthNames[i + 1];

2) I Want not the numbers 0 2 4 6 8 10 in the botom line,
I only want the name of the months

3) How I can put the title of the X and Y axis ?

Thank you in advance