Print Options not working in xv2007 format
Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 6:40 pm
I'm using the latest XLSReadWriteII4 version just downloaded from the registered users site. I have found that there are a couple of issues when writing an Excel 2007 version file:
1. It is not possible to turn off grid lines. This works when saving in Excel 97 format:
vSheet.Options := vSheet.Options - [soGridLines];
2. It is not possible to set up print scaling. This works correctly when saving in Excel 97 format:
vSheet.WorkSpaceOptions := vSheet.WorkSpaceOptions + [woFitToPage];
vSheet.PrintSettings.FitHeight := 100;
vSheet.PrintSettings.FitWidth := 1;
vSheet.PrintSettings.ScalingFactor := 400;
The output file shows "No scaling"
3. It is not possible to adjust the margins. This works correctly when saving in Excel 97 format:
vSheet.PrintSettings.MarginTop := 0.10;
vSheet.PrintSettings.MarginBottom := 0.50;
vSheet.PrintSettings.MarginLeft := 0.10;
vSheet.PrintSettings.MarginRight := 0.10;
The output file shows "Normal Margins" of T:0.75 B:0.75 L:0.7 and R:0.7.
Are there source code updates available that I could apply myself rather than waiting for the next version?
Thank you,
Bob M..
1. It is not possible to turn off grid lines. This works when saving in Excel 97 format:
vSheet.Options := vSheet.Options - [soGridLines];
2. It is not possible to set up print scaling. This works correctly when saving in Excel 97 format:
vSheet.WorkSpaceOptions := vSheet.WorkSpaceOptions + [woFitToPage];
vSheet.PrintSettings.FitHeight := 100;
vSheet.PrintSettings.FitWidth := 1;
vSheet.PrintSettings.ScalingFactor := 400;
The output file shows "No scaling"
3. It is not possible to adjust the margins. This works correctly when saving in Excel 97 format:
vSheet.PrintSettings.MarginTop := 0.10;
vSheet.PrintSettings.MarginBottom := 0.50;
vSheet.PrintSettings.MarginLeft := 0.10;
vSheet.PrintSettings.MarginRight := 0.10;
The output file shows "Normal Margins" of T:0.75 B:0.75 L:0.7 and R:0.7.
Are there source code updates available that I could apply myself rather than waiting for the next version?
Thank you,
Bob M..