To see what I mean, place a new XLSReadWriteII4 component on your form and add a button with the following code:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
const FILE_NAME: string = 'C:\Test.xls';
var vba: TVBAModuleSource;
if FileExists(FILE_NAME) then
xls.Filename := FILE_NAME;
// Add a custom vb function "UpCase" which takes a string
// and returns it as uppercase.
xls.VBA.EditVBA := True;
vba := xls.VBA.AddModule('Module1', vmtMacro);
with vba.Source do
Add('Public Function UpCase(Text As String) As String');
Add(' UpCase = UCase(Text)');
Add('End Function');
xls.Sheet[0].AsString[0, 0] := 'This is a test';
xls.Sheet[0].AsFormula[0, 1] := 'UpCase(A1)';
When opening the spreadsheet, A2 should display as "THIS IS A TEST" but it instead shows as #NA. I'm using Office 2003 and exporting to Office 97 format.
Formulas which use VBA functions don't get exported!
Formulas which use VBA functions don't get exported!
Last edited by bendaniel on Fri Sep 19, 2008 6:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
Just to be clear, the problem is writing a new spreadsheet in XLSReadWriteII, creating a public VBA function in a VBA module and writing a formula which uses that function. I don't care about being able to call that function and get a result from within XLSReadWriteII, but rather I just want the formula to work in Excel - which it doesn't! Instead of the formula appearing the in the cell, the formula just reads "=#N/A"