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Macro Execution

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 8:16 am
by sjanzou

I would like to send a value to a workbook named range and then retrieve a calculated value from a named range. I have found that whenever a workbook contains a macro an error occurs when the calculate method is called.

I went through the Macros sample in the Delphi directory and see how to read and write macros.

How does one execute the macros? When the workbook with macros is read and the the calculate method of XLSReadWrite is called an error occurs.

I have tried reading and writing and then read again and will send the project to you directly.

My guess is that one can use Ole to open Excel to calculate the macro.


Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:33 pm
by larsa

You can not execute macros with XLSReadWriteII.

Lars Arvidsson