I have a spreadsheet that gets the error message “%1 already exists” when I call the LoadFromStream procedure. However, if set the file name and read I do not get an error.
In other words if I do this:
XLSBook.Filename := 'C:\Delphi7\Conversions\Import105ASpreadsheet\bin\Form 105A.xlsx';
I do not get an error, but if I do this:
MS.LoadFromFile('C:\Delphi7\Conversions\Import105ASpreadsheet\bin\Form 105A.xlsx');
I get an error.
Is this a bug? Is there some work around?
Error when loading from stream
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Wed Aug 27, 2008 1:24 pm
Re: Error when loading from stream
I found out the problem was caused by the presence of a object in the spreadsheet. Once the object was removed, the error went away. Is this a know issue with the TXLSReadWriteII4 component?