I have a several small projects that were writen using version 1.36 and probably written in Delphi 4 or 5 (not sure). I need to make some modifications to them, but have Delphi 2007 and am using XLSReadWriteII 3.0.
The problem: on certain programs when I add the XLSReadWriteII component I get the following compliation error:
[DCC Error] XLSReadWriteII2.pas(634): F2051 Unit XLSReadII2 was compiled with a different version of XLSReadWriteII2.TXLSReadWriteII2
The only workaround I can find is to create a new project, rebuild the GUI and copy in the previous code, making the approprite changes to reflect improvements from 1.36 to 3.0. This is not only tedious, but I fear very prone to error. This hasn't happened to all the programs I have needed to convert.
Any thoughts of how to avoid this - or how to remedy it?