Here is en extract of my code (in C++):
Code: Select all
Para = DOCXEditor->Paras->AppendPara();
Para->PAPX->IndentLeft = 50;
Para->PAPX->IndentHanging = 50;
Para->AppendPlainText( IntToStr( (__int64)nr ) + "." );
Para->TabStops->Add( (double)50 );
Para->AppendFormattedText( "\\B" + Name + "\\b" );
Para->AppendPlainText( Text );
- When using IndentHanging only, the text beginning from second line is not moving to the right - only the first line is moving to the left (outside of the main text area). Only with IndentLeft I get the result I expect.
Is this behavior intentional? - The indent of irst line and rest of text block does not match in preview and pdf export. Exported as .docx it looks perfect. How can I fix the preview/pdf issue?