Warnings and hints on compiling to 64 bit
Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 12:52 pm
I am currently helping a customer build a 64 bit version of their software. The software use XLSReadWriteII 6, but I get Warnings on the following:
In file: XLSSynCommons.pas
[dcc64 Warning] XLSSynCommons.pas(16157): W1073 Combining signed type and unsigned 64-bit type - treated as an unsigned type
if (len<lenSub+Offset) or (lenSub<0) then begin
[dcc64 Warning] XLSSynCommons.pas(45565): W1073 Combining signed type and unsigned 64-bit type - treated as an unsigned type
fTokenSeed := GetTickCount64*PtrUInt(self)*Random(maxInt);
[dcc64 Warning] XLSSynCommons.pas(45566): W1073 Combining signed type and unsigned 64-bit type - treated as an unsigned type
fSessionGenerator := abs(fTokenSeed*PtrUInt(ClassType));
and hint on XLSMath5.pas
[dcc64 Hint] XLSMath5.pas(4199): H2164 Variable 'zb' is declared but never used in 'FindInverseGamma'
lg,lb,zb: double;
My Customers CI system is set up to reject anything with hints and warnings.
It would be really cool with a fix Lars
Thanks in advance
In file: XLSSynCommons.pas
[dcc64 Warning] XLSSynCommons.pas(16157): W1073 Combining signed type and unsigned 64-bit type - treated as an unsigned type
if (len<lenSub+Offset) or (lenSub<0) then begin
[dcc64 Warning] XLSSynCommons.pas(45565): W1073 Combining signed type and unsigned 64-bit type - treated as an unsigned type
fTokenSeed := GetTickCount64*PtrUInt(self)*Random(maxInt);
[dcc64 Warning] XLSSynCommons.pas(45566): W1073 Combining signed type and unsigned 64-bit type - treated as an unsigned type
fSessionGenerator := abs(fTokenSeed*PtrUInt(ClassType));
and hint on XLSMath5.pas
[dcc64 Hint] XLSMath5.pas(4199): H2164 Variable 'zb' is declared but never used in 'FindInverseGamma'
lg,lb,zb: double;
My Customers CI system is set up to reject anything with hints and warnings.
It would be really cool with a fix Lars
Thanks in advance