A few questions about porting from v4
Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2019 9:57 am
What would be the equivalents of the following
1. with Range[0, FRow-1, FMaxCol, FRow] do begin
FormatOptions := [foWrapText];
2. Rows.SetRowHeight(FDataStartRow, FRow, trunc(DefaultRowHeight*1.2));
3. with FWorkbook.InternalNames.Add do begin
BuiltInName := bnPrintArea;
Definition := QuotedStr(GetSheetName) + '!$A$1:' + ColRowToRefStr(GetMaxCol,FRow+3,TRUE,TRUE);
Thank you.
What would be the equivalents of the following
1. with Range[0, FRow-1, FMaxCol, FRow] do begin
FormatOptions := [foWrapText];
2. Rows.SetRowHeight(FDataStartRow, FRow, trunc(DefaultRowHeight*1.2));
3. with FWorkbook.InternalNames.Add do begin
BuiltInName := bnPrintArea;
Definition := QuotedStr(GetSheetName) + '!$A$1:' + ColRowToRefStr(GetMaxCol,FRow+3,TRUE,TRUE);
Thank you.