Footer problem
Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 7:49 am
I use XLSReadWriteII 5.20.22 Trial in DelphiXE2 and have some problems with footer. Footer is not saved after an execution of this example:
If XLS.Version is xvExcel2007 all works correctly. Is it trial limitation or bug?
I use XLSReadWriteII 5.20.22 Trial in DelphiXE2 and have some problems with footer. Footer is not saved after an execution of this example:
Code: Select all
XLS.Version := xvExcel97;
for i := 1 to 256 do
XLS[0].AsString[1,i] := 'Hello, world '+IntToStr(i);
XLS[0].PrintSettings.HeaderFooter.OddFooter := '&R&5 Test footer'+#13+'footer second line';
If XLS.Version is xvExcel2007 all works correctly. Is it trial limitation or bug?