In v4, we could use the properties BorderLeftStyle, BorderBottomSyle,... to set border's style but in V5, how can i set different styles to the borders of a cell using CmdFormat (FStyle is define protected in the class).
I know i can do it if i set the border for a particular cell (ex: XLS[0].Cell[Col, Row].BorderBottomStyle := ...) but i would like to create default formats and use them when needed.
Thanks for your help.
Different cell borders
Re: Different cell borders
Here is a sample:
Here is a sample:
Code: Select all
XLS.CmdFormat.Border.Color.IndexColor := xcRed;
XLS.CmdFormat.Border.Style := cbsThick;
XLS.CmdFormat.Border.Side[cbsTop] := True;
XLS.CmdFormat.Border.Side[cbsBottom] := True;
Lars Arvidsson, Axolot Data
Re: Different cell borders
It's ok now in 5.10.17, if i'm right, i had the problem in default format.
Thanks again.
It's ok now in 5.10.17, if i'm right, i had the problem in default format.
Thanks again.